This page is dedicated in loving memory of Makenna Marie.
Your BZ family loves you Little Angel Girl.

One more day,
One more time,
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied,
But then again,
I know what it would do,
Leave me wishing still for One More Day With You.

~Diamond Rio "One More Day With You"

Truly, there is no hand so small that it cannot leave an imprint on the world.
~Author Unknown

Makenna was born on August 13, 2004 at 37 weeks at a very low weight.
She was found to have a very rare skin condition called Ichthyosis.
Please view our links page to find some more information on Ichthyosis.
She was in and out of the hospital since December 2004 with Failure
to Thrive Syndrome and Reflux Disease, which caused her to gain weight
very slowly and minimally. She had a feeding tube, called a g-tube,
placed in her tummy to go directly into her intestines to treat her Reflux.
She also had multiple heart problems. Her last hospital stay began on
March 11, 2005. Makenna was brought in because she was continually
developing pneumonia. They decided at that time to try to fix a hole in
her heart to hopefully help her. She did fairly well with that surgery,
and even came off the ventilator for three days, but started to have trouble
breathing again. She was put back on the ventilator. She then underwent a
heart catherization, which showed that she had Restrictive Cardio Myopathy.
Makenna's battle got tougher and tougher. Her kidneys began to fail.
Makenna's struggle ended on Wednesday, April 20th, 2005 at 10:30 AM PST.
Makenna will be loved, missed and remembered by all. She has touched hearts
and lives worldwide and brought many people closer to each other and to God.
We are all happy to know that she is dancing with the angels now.

If you would like information on the fundraiser set up for Makenna's
family please contact our board leader, Nicole at

You are listening to "One More Day With You"
as performed by Diamond Rio.